E-Mail: accent_tv@yahoo.com

Office Tel. +374 10 267516
Mobile Tel. +374 93 396254 (24 hr)





If you are a model 14-22 years old, above 170 cm and willing to travel you can become a member of our agency. If you like to be a model you can come to us and study 3-6 months (see classes page). Classes available also in russian or english. Living cost in Yerevan for one person is $150-200 per month. Send us your photos and resumes by e-mail.

Our e-mails accent_tv@yahoo.com or accentmodels@yandex.ru or you can call 00 37410 26-75-16 studio  or 00 374 93-39-62-54 mobile 24 hr. a day.




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accent models

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