E-Mail: accent_tv@yahoo.com

Office Tel. +374 10 267516
Mobile Tel. +374 93 396254 (24 hr)




Classes & training

ACCENT modeling and acting school presents 6-9 months long classes.

We are teaching :

1 Ramp style. Elegance, Attitude & Style, the perfect combination to take with you to runway. This workshop focuses on the different styles of walking, hip swing, posture and working with different kinds of shoes, heels and flats.

2.Pose & Click. This class will help you develop a comfort zone in front of camera. It will cover transitional poses, level changes & facial expressions.

3.On Camera Commercial. This class will introduce you to techniques that will increase your ability to pickup and deliver unfamiliar copy in front of the camera with ease and belief.

4.Actors Studio. This class will teach you technique of controlling your body and mind on the stage. It will develop right pronunciation and voice delivery for different situations.

There is also one day per month you will have an opportunity to have a photo session in different inside and outside locations.


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